
The Empress and the New Moon~

In creative writing, creativity, divination, metaphysical, oracle, Tarot, Tarot of the Celtic fairies on February 2, 2011 at 12:22 pm

With its continuous egg laying, resulting in the proliferation of new life, the frog is a potent symbol of fertility.This one is casually sipping a cup of tea with the Empress card from ‘Tarot of the Celtic Fairies.’
I have been obsessed with the creation of new life lately, but seemingly, it is not in the cards for me. The Empress card keeps coming up though. I sometimes forget that she is not only the symbol of pregnancy and physical motherhood, but also the birth of of new ideas, and creativity in all of it’s forms.
This fits in to where I have been lately. I need her energy to work on my book (which has been in process a little less than a year.) I put down my work for two months, and lost connection with my characters and the story. It is time to reconnect (or else it will remain trapped in files and written in notebooks.)
I am recommitting on this day (the new moon in Aquarius, and the Chinese New Year) to the continuation and completion of my story, which is targeted towards young adults.

How are you spending the new moon? Are you beginning anything? Planting new seeds? is the seed being planted, or is it growing and expanding?

I urge you to take advantage of this energy. I am. I am viewing the appearance of the Empress as a sacred gift.

How is she showing up for you?

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